20 Photos That Will Have You Fondly Remembering 1976
Carly Tennes
Skateboarding down winding roads. Disco dancing in platform heels. Snagging cigarettes as a part of a Halloween haul. As any Gen-Xer can attest, the '70s were an era to remember, one defined by outdoor exploring, late nights on the dance floor, and, of course, all the spectacular photos we took along the way.
From Bicentennial celebrations to birthday parties, here are 20 photos that will have you fondly remembering 1976.
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1. Summer of Love
Courtesy of eSantini on Reddit“My dad falling in love with my mom - 1976.” -
2. Dancing Divas
Courtesy of WTBrooks on Reddit“Single random slide I found in a thrift store, dated Sept. 1976.” -
3. “1976 birthday party in Jackson, MS.”
Courtesy of Wonderful_Horror7315 on Reddit“At the club house in our apartment complex. I love my mom’s look!!” -
4. Army Man
Courtesy of maenads_dance on Reddit“Great time to join the Army, frankly. Older friends from his neighborhood went to Vietnam, he spent 4 years on ski patrol in Germany lol. Thanks for your service Dad!” -
5. They’re Lovin’ It
Courtesy of MyDogGoldi on Reddit“McDonald’s in 1976 near Christmas time. This is the time when the fries, fillet-o-fish, and apple pies were cooked in beef fat.” -
6. Pretty Prams
Courtesy of higglety_piggletypop on Reddit“My grandma with me in my swanky panorama pram, 1976.” -
7. Get Ready With Me
Courtesy of arizonabatorechestra on Reddit“My mom, around 1976.” -
8. Trick or Treat!
Courtesy of an Unknown Redditor“Halloween 1976.” -
9. To Have and to Hold
Courtesy of duhbip on Reddit“We married in 1976 and we’re still happily married.” -
10. Bicentennial Bonnets
Courtesy of a_complex_kid on Reddit“My mom (bottom left) and her family dressed up for a bicentennial celebration, 1976.” -
11. Candy Bandit
Courtesy of stryker511 on Reddit“1976 - Vernon Hills Illinois...yes, they were from a neighbor.” -
12. First Day Photos
Courtesy of Rarecoin101 on Reddit“My friend at her first job. 1976.” -
13. Picture Perfect
Courtesy of AxlCobainVedder on Reddit“1976 photo of the Kmart camera department.” -
14. Guided Tour
Courtesy of mishibizhu on Reddit“My dad as a canoe guide 1976. (Ely, MN).” -
15. Mall Madness
Courtesy of AxlCobainVedder on Reddit“Roosevelt Mall, Northeast Philly (1976).” -
16. Model Behavior
Courtesy of post_scriptor on RedditA model “hitches a ride” in Florida while posing for the April 1976 issue of Honey magazine. -
17. Cool Rider
Courtesy of lyn_low“My mom on a motorcycle, 1976.” -
18. Birthday Balloons
Courtesy of fredfreddy4444 on Reddit“My 5th birthday part[y] with guests on my front porch. I have the long brown hair. This was always my mom's tradition at the end of a party.“ -
19. Laid Back
Courtesy of BirdsAndBeersPod on Reddit“My grandfather, circa 1976.” -
20. Skater Boys
Courtesy of Franimal420on Reddit“No shoes, no shirt, no problem!! My uncles carving down a hill in old school suburbia. Taken 1976 in Pretoria, South Africa.”
- 20 Photos That Will Have You Fondly Remembering 1976
Summer of Love
“My dad falling in love with my mom - 1976.”
“My dad falling in love with my mom - 1976.”